His Leading Lady Read online

Page 21

There was a little blurb beside the pictures but Ivy couldn’t tear her gaze away from the image of herself looking like a woman in love. Like a woman being proposed to, no less. This couldn’t be happening.... A rush of adrenaline flooded through her, leaving her shaky and lightheaded. The words blurred before her eyes. She had a feeling she didn’t want to read whatever they’d printed anyways. There was no way there would be one hint of truth to any of it.

  “Franklin, may I have a private word with Ivy, please?” Daniel asked.

  It wasn’t so much a request as an order. Ivy couldn’t believe anyone would dare to kick the old manager out of his own office but Daniel seemed to be the type to take control of every room he was in. The older man, who normally put the fear of God into Ivy, looked weak and nervous beside him. Franklin nodded and hurried toward the door. Daniel’s face gave nothing away but Franklin’s tight-lipped grimace was more than enough to tell her that she was in trouble. When he passed her on the way out of his office he shot out a hand and gripped her arm roughly. “You will do whatever he says to make this right, do you understand me?”

  Ivy nodded and swallowed. This was it—she was going to lose her job.

  Daniel leaned against the desk, one leg crossed in front of the other. He was wearing another perfectly tailored suit. This one was a dark gray as opposed to the jet-black suit he’d worn the night before in her hallway but it fit just as well. He was perfectly groomed from the tidy hair to the shined designer shoes. Unlike most men she knew, he looked like he was comfortable in formal attire as though he had been born and raised wearing designer business suits.

  He was watching her. His dark eyes scrutinized her every move, and despite his relaxed posture, or maybe because of it, Ivy grew unbearably tense until she had to do something.

  The words came spilling out of her mouth. “I had nothing to do with that,” she said, pointing to the newspaper. Her shaking hand seemed to betray her, making her look guilty rather than what she was—horrified. She instantly regretted the outburst. She hated how defensive she sounded.

  Daniel nodded, his expression unreadable. “I know.”

  Ivy shifted uncomfortably. Well, at least he knew she wasn’t the enemy here. “If you’d like for me to call the newspaper, explain what happened….”

  Daniel shook his head. “Unfortunately, the situation is a little too complicated for that.”

  Ivy’s face scrunched up in confusion. “Too complicated for the truth?”

  She thought she saw a flicker of amusement in his eyes but it was fleeting. He gestured to the chair in front of him. “Please, have a seat and I’ll explain.”

  Ivy hesitated for a moment before squaring her shoulders, and perching on the edge of the chair. She tried to discreetly pull down the hem of her skirt, which suddenly felt much too short under his scrutinizing gaze.

  He sat across from her and leaned over the desk with his hands folded. Every gesture, every move, was precise. This was a man who thought through everything—nothing was unintentional or improvised. Everything was planned. And the way he was looking at her now? It was clear he had a plan for her.

  “As I mentioned last night, my company has a lot at stake, and it’s all riding on Jack. He is the face of EverTech and his reputation has a direct impact on the business.”

  Ivy nodded and tried not to shift in her seat. Just get to the point already.

  “I won’t beat around the bush, Ivy.”

  Oh God, could he read minds?

  “I am in the middle of negotiating a very sensitive merger with a company that could either make or break EverTech.”

  When he paused Ivy wondered if she was supposed to speak. She opened her mouth, about to ask what any of this had to do with her but he continued before she could get the words out.

  “The owner of the other company, Gianni Brunelli—well, he’s a bit old-fashioned. He’s made it clear that he doesn’t approve of Jack’s current lifestyle and this latest stunt….”

  He gestured to the newspaper with a pained look. When he turned back to her, she was caught in his gaze. His dark eyes were focused on her with an intensity that was frightening. She couldn’t look away.

  Ivy squirmed in her seat. Was he trying to torture her? She had no idea what he was getting at but the way he was looking at her, you’d think she single-handedly maneuvered the latest ‘stunt,’ as he put it. Ivy gripped the edge of her chair to keep calm but she was growing impatient with nerves. She’d already offered to call the newspaper, to try to explain the situation.

  “I’m not sure how I can help you,” she hedged.

  “The only way Brunelli will move forward with this is if I can convince him that Jack has changed. That he’s a new man.”

  There was a brief pause and Ivy wondered if she was supposed to know what he was getting at. She found herself holding her breath as she waited for him to continue but he was either extremely fond of awkward silences or was waiting for her to respond. His eyes were studying her expression though his face was a polite mask, no emotions to be found. He was waiting for a reaction of some sort, that much was clear, but she had no idea where this was heading—only that it couldn’t be good.

  “Okaaay…” she stalled.

  Silence broken, Daniel stood and moved to the front of the desk so he was looming over her. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and fixed his eyes on her. “You see, Brunelli doesn’t want to get into bed with someone who’s ‘not faithful in his private life’—those are his words not mine,” Daniel said.

  Judging by his smirk, it was clear that this man didn’t put much stock in Brunelli’s beliefs or his old-fashioned values.

  She blinked up at him in the silence that followed. “So, what do you want from me?”

  Daniel’s laugh took her by surprise. It was a deep rumble that Ivy could feel all the way to her toes. Her breath caught in her throat at the genuine smile that caused his eyes to crinkle and made him seem less intimidating but far more dangerous.

  “You’re a straight shooter, Ivy. I like that.”

  She wished his words of approval didn’t affect her but she couldn’t deny the warm glow that spread through her chest and left her slightly breathless.

  He looked her straight in the eye. “I want you to go along with a lie, Ivy. I want you to tell the world that you and Jack are engaged and I want you to play the part of the happy fiancée until this deal is signed.”

  Ivy found herself staring up at Daniel and for the life of her she was unable to come up with any words. Her brain had turned to mush in her shock and she had the odd sensation that time stood still. The hum of the air-conditioner was temporarily washed out by the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears.

  Daniel was eyeing her warily, his gaze fixed on her, and for a moment she thought she saw a hint of concern in his eyes. Those dark eyes that still held her captive.

  He was gorgeous. Now was not the time to be thinking about this man’s sex appeal, but there it was. Her heart was racing and she was no longer certain if that was due to shock or sexual attraction.

  Focus, Ivy. This man wanted her to lie for him—about her entire life.

  His voice startled her back to the moment. “I can see my proposition has taken you by surprise.” He relaxed his intimidating stance and leaned against the desk with his hands in his pockets as though they were discussing the weather and not her life. “Don’t get me wrong, we are not asking you to do anything illegal or anything that would jeopardize your values. You will be handsomely rewarded in return—my investors and I are more than willing to ensure that you are very comfortable financially in return for this favor.”

  “Other than lie.” The words slipped out of her mouth.

  Her words put a dent in Daniel’s perfectly poised sales pitch. She couldn’t help it. Her mother’s face loomed in her mind’s eye at the mere thought of lying. Her parents had thoroughly ingrained their children with the need to tell the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth.

  He paused and raised his brows in polite inquiry. “I’m sorry?”

  She cleared her throat. “I said ‘other than lie’. You said ‘we’re not asking you to do anything that would jeopardize your values.’ And I said ‘other than lie.’”

  Oh Lord, she was babbling. She was repeating their conversation like a court reporter. His forehead wrinkled as if in thought for a moment but again she couldn’t tell if he was amused or annoyed. Or both.

  “Yes, you have a point there. I’m sure lying to your friends and family will not be pleasant but unfortunately, we can’t afford to take any chances on anyone slipping up. It would be more difficult for you as well if the truth were to come out. It would not paint you in a flattering light, I’m afraid.”

  Panic made Ivy’s heart rate accelerate. He was talking as though she’d already agreed to go along with this stunt. She shook her head. "I’m sorry, Daniel, but I’m really not a very good liar and I’m not much of an actress. I don’t think I could pull it off.”

  “Unfortunately for us, we don’t have much of a choice in who will play the lead in this particular farce.” He gestured toward the newspaper. “But you will have a team of people at your beck and call to help you—I am absolutely positive you will get through this little façade with flying colors.”

  Ivy bristled at his know-it-all tone. Was he really trying to steamroll her into telling a life-altering lie just because it was convenient for him? He wasn’t even pretending to frame it as a question—as though it was understood that she would comply.

  “Do people always do what you say?” she snapped.

  The charming smile faltered. It was slight but she caught it. His perfectly poised demeanor slipped—just for an instant, but it was enough to give Ivy a sense of triumph. She had a feeling that Daniel Gladwell was rarely taken by surprise.

  He recovered quickly though and his answer was brutally honest. “Yes, Miss Sinclair. They typically do.” If they know what’s good for them. He didn’t say the words but he didn’t have to.

  Gone was the polite smile and Ivy found herself face to face with Daniel Gladwell, the ruthless business tycoon. His jaw clenched and his eyes hardened, holding her captive yet again in a disarmingly direct glare. He looked like a gladiator ready for battle. The look he gave her was so intense, she swallowed her clever retort—this was not a man to mess with.

  “Honestly, Mr. Gladwell, I’d really rather go back my job—”

  “Your job will not be waiting for you should you refuse my offer.” He stood straight and moved to stand behind the desk. His tone was cool and collected, at odds with the harsh words.

  She tried to ignore the uncomfortable sting of unshed tears as his words sank in. She couldn’t go back to being unemployed. She’d worked so hard to get where she was. She couldn’t start over. And she couldn’t go home. Bad investments and a housing market collapse had left her parents teetering on the edge of bankruptcy at an age when they should be planning for retirement. If she lost her job they’d feel compelled to help her but they could barely help themselves.

  “That’s not fair, you can’t do that.” Ivy’s voice shook. She swallowed and tried again. “The hotel has no reason to dismiss me. I’ve been a great employee. Ask anyone, ask Mr. Webster.”

  “It’s not a matter of how well you’ve done your job, Miss Sinclair. The hotel can’t keep someone on who acts irresponsibly with the hotel guests. Not to mention, employees here are expected to be team players.”

  “I am responsible. And I am a team player.” She tried to keep the tremor out of her voice. She felt like she was on the wrong end of a steamroller. She had to regain control.

  She tilted her chin up and straightened her shoulders. Who did he think he was to come to her place of work and threaten her job? Maybe Franklin wasn’t in her corner, but there had to be people above him.

  Standing, she faced Daniel who had returned to his seat behind the desk. “You can’t fire me, Mr. Gladwell. I’m sure Mr. Webster doesn’t even have the final say and you have no say in the matter so—”

  Daniel cut off her tirade before she could even gain steam. “Actually I do have quite a bit of say. My company is the majority owner of this hotel.”

  His words were like a punch in the gut. Her mind struggled to make sense of this new information. It couldn’t be possible—could it? Maybe he was kidding. But even as she thought it, she dismissed it. The man before her clearly didn’t have a sense of humor. She stared at him with wide eyes, trying to think of something to say, but she was rendered speechless. She flopped back in her seat like a deflated balloon.

  With astonishing speed his cold businesslike demeanor was once again replaced by the charming smile that Ivy was beginning to know well. It was the smile of a predator before it ate its prey. “Listen, Ivy, it doesn’t have to be this way. I don’t want to lose you as an employee. But I also can’t allow yesterday’s incident to ruin a multi-billion dollar deal that I’ve been working on for the past two years. You can understand that, can’t you?”

  Ivy just stared back at him. Her mind was racing as she considered her options. She could try her luck in an unemployment office once again and pray that she’d find a new position before she lost everything. She could go back home and try to find a job there—but no, that wasn’t an option. The job market in her hometown was far worse than the city and she couldn’t allow her parents to help her.

  “How much?” she asked. “How much would you pay me if I go along with this?”

  For a moment she thought he was ignoring her. He picked up a pen and jotted something down on a piece of paper. He pushed it her way and when she picked it up, a series of zeros stared back at her. The six-figure number took her breath away. That was enough to pay her rent for the year and still have plenty left over to help her parents.

  “And of course you’ll get a promotion, which comes with a raise,” Daniel added.

  “I don’t want a promotion if I haven’t earned one,” Ivy said, sitting up straight. She may be desperate for money, but she still had some morals.

  She thought she saw a hint of a genuine smile again. Good Lord, this man’s lips were hypnotic.

  “On the contrary, Miss Sinclair. I’ve had a long talk with Franklin and it seems you have been long overdue for the promotion. I plan to have a talk with him about that.” His look of disapproval actually made Ivy nervous on Franklin’s behalf.

  “So, do I take it we have a deal?”

  Ivy swallowed down the feeling that she was taking a leap off of a high dive without checking to see if there was water below.

  “We have a deal.”

  Meet the Author

  Maggie Dallen is a huge fan of happily-ever-afters. She writes contemporary and YA romance and has been known to rewrite the endings to classic love stories to ensure that they end on a happy note. In Maggie's version, Ingrid Bergman does not get on the plane. She lives in Northern California and works at a yarn store to support her knitting addiction. For more info please visit maggiedallen.com.

  Follow her on Twitter @Mag_Dallen.

  Or connect with her on Facebook.

  Table of Contents

  Cover Copy

  Books by Maggie Dallen

  His Leading Lady


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  The Accidental Engagement

  Chapter 1

  Meet the Author



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