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His Leading Lady Page 15

  Nicholas followed Ena to the couch, and he took the seat right next to the spot where Alice had been sitting. Ena took her typical spot in the recliner, which left Alice with no option but to sit beside Nicholas.

  She half listened as Ena and Nicholas made small talk, and Nicholas asked her some medical questions that went over her head. She should leave, but somehow she was rooted in place, unable to move. Her chest was tight with apprehension, the kind she got before emotional confrontations, when a storm was brewing but she couldn’t escape.

  After a few minutes, Ena made her excuses, feigning a yawn. “I’m so sorry, you two, but you’ll have to watch the rest without me. This medicine makes me tired. I’m heading to bed.”

  Alice tried to stop her but Ena ignored her pathetic requests to stay up just a little longer. Don’t leave me alone with him!

  But Ena seemed intent on ignoring her. “Alice, you know how to lock up when you leave. You two make yourselves at home and enjoy the movie.” She let out another melodramatically loud yawn, and within seconds, the surprisingly spry old lady had shuffled off to her bedroom and shut the door, leaving them alone.

  Alice stared after her, absurdly afraid to face Nicholas. When she finally did, he was watching her with concern. “How are you?”

  “Fine,” she said quickly, automatically.

  He studied her in silence for a little while, and she commanded herself not to fidget under his inspection. She knew what he saw and was positive her cheeks were turning red. Why did this man always have to see her at her worst?

  She’d never managed to change out of her pajamas today—what was the point when she slept most of the day away? So here she was in a ratty old T-shirt with a beer logo, compliments of Jake’s bar, and a baggy pair of sweats that sported a lovely coffee stain. Oh, and then there were the slippers. The fuzzy bunny slippers she’d had since college. Yeah, nothing to be embarrassed about here.

  But he didn’t mock her attire or even seem to notice how repulsive she was. Instead, he turned his attention to the TV. “So, what are we watching?”

  Alice blinked at him in surprise. She’d fully anticipated that Nicholas would expect to talk about the night before, get her to open up again. Once it sank in that he seemed content to just watch a movie with her, she let herself relax back against the couch cushions as she launched into a recap of what had happened up to that point in the movie.

  She hadn’t really been paying attention to the plot tonight, but she didn’t need to. She knew the storyline like the back of her hand. Once he was caught up, they sat in companionable silence for a while watching the musical acts unfold.

  After a little while, Nicholas slipped an arm around her shoulder and it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to lean against him. It wasn’t until her head fell against his shoulder that she realized she was doing the dreaded…the unexpected…the dangerous. She was cuddling.

  What the hell?!

  She sat upright quickly, and he straightened in his seat, clearly surprised by the sudden movement. “Everything all right?” he asked.

  She nodded, staring straight ahead at the screen. What could she say? No, you bastard, you had the nerve to cuddle me. And I let you! Everything is not okay.

  Jesus, she would sound like a crazy person. Get it together, Alice.

  “I’m fine, I just… I just think I should head to bed.”

  He was so quiet she finally caved and peeked a look in his direction. He was smiling at her—a small, quizzical smile—but one filled with understanding, nonetheless.

  “When can I see you again?” he asked.

  She swallowed back the panic. Why had she ever agreed to this arrangement?

  With a shrug, she tried to change the topic. “We should talk some more about the fundraiser. I have an idea for the venue but if you think—”

  He cut her off. “I’m sure whatever you decide will be perfect.”

  She nodded. That was what she wanted to hear. She liked having control. This was her project, her chance at the promotion. That was why she’d agreed to date this man.

  But a flutter of doubt made her uneasy. That was the reason she was going along with this, wasn’t it?

  He got her attention with his next question. “So, about that date... What day works for you?”

  When she didn’t immediately reply, he asked, “How about tomorrow?”

  Alice’s mouth was dry but she managed to shake her head. “I can’t.” He started to frown, as if he might argue with her, remind her of their deal, most likely. “I can’t because I have to help Jake out at the bar. I promised him and Meg that I would help cover for her absence while she’s home with the baby.”

  His expression relaxed. “What time do you think you’ll get done?”

  She shrugged. “I can probably leave after the happy-hour rush, that’s when they really need the help.”

  His smile was breathtaking. No man should have so much freakin’ charm. “Great. I’ll pick you up then.”

  She let out a long breath to try to control her rapid pulse. “So, what are we going to do on our first date?”

  His smile altered slightly, one side tugging up higher, giving him a roguish air that was undeniably sexy. “I kind of thought tonight was our first date.”

  She looked down at her outfit and let out a laugh. “Not much of a first date, is it?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m having a pretty great time. And I couldn’t ask for a better date.”

  The words brought heat rushing to her cheeks. How did he manage to be so sappy yet sound so genuine? The man was unreal. But his words struck a chord, easing some of her tension. The idea that this was a date was oddly reassuring. She’d never done the dating thing before—not the traditional dating thing anyway—and the idea that sitting around watching an old movie counted made her feel slightly more relaxed.

  This she could do.

  She leaned back against the couch and didn’t move away when Nicholas’s arm wrapped around her shoulders once more. His touch was warm, reassuring…kind of cozy, really. Slowly but surely she found herself leaning against him, his breath warm on her hair.

  One of her favorite musical numbers started, and she tapped his leg with excitement, making him laugh. She was so caught up in the number that she almost forgot that she was nervous and that she was supposed to be keeping her distance.

  When it came to an end, his low voice whispered in her ear. “Not bad for a first date, right?”

  She looked up at him and smiled. The sharp angles of his face flickered in the shadows caused by the black-and-white screen. He was so handsome. So sane. Such a good guy. What the hell was he doing with someone with as much baggage as her?

  She shook off the thought. He was here and so was she, and she had her end of the bargain to live up to. “So this really counts as a date, huh?”

  There was that sexy lopsided smile again. “Well, I guess that depends,” he said.


  “Whether you let me kiss you good night.”

  Everything stopped—or at least, that’s how it felt. The sound from the television was drowned out by the sound of her blood rushing in her ears. The only thing she was aware of was the feel of his body pressed against hers, his breath warm against her cheek. The air seemed to thicken around her until it was difficult to breathe.

  Her heart picked up its pace as nerves and excitement warred for supremacy.

  Her response was way out of proportion to the situation, especially considering she’d already slept with this man. He was just another in a long string of lovers.

  But he wasn’t, and she couldn’t lie to herself that he was. He knew her. And somehow this moment felt a million times more intimate than that night when they’d had sex.

  Because now this was no mysterious, handsome stranger. This was Nicholas. Her temporary partner in business and the man who had somehow cracked through all of her defenses. He’d
seen the worst of her, and he hadn’t run away.

  Maybe that was why she didn’t try to stop him as he leaned in toward her. She couldn’t. At some point over the past few weeks, this man had broken down all her defenses and she was powerless. Weak. Normally that would have terrified her, but right now, that terror was overshadowed by the need to feel his lips on hers again. The need to feel that connection at a deeper level.

  His kiss didn’t disappoint. His lips against hers were tender—gentle but strong as he wrapped his arms around her until she was in a cocoon, fully protected from the world around her by the safe, secure haven of his arms.

  The kiss erased any remaining doubts or terror. Her mind was blissfully blank as his lips urged hers apart and his tongue teased hers, slipping inside to tangle with hers in a soft, lingering kiss that turned her body to liquid heat.

  When he finally pulled his head up for air, she found herself sighing against his lips, her eyes firmly shut. She didn’t want it to end.

  He leaned back in and placed one more light but searing kiss against her lips. “Good night, sweetheart.”

  She didn’t open her eyes even as she heard him get up from the couch and head toward the door. She didn’t want the moment to end and she held on to the blissful feeling until she fell asleep on Ena’s couch.

  * * * *

  Alice made one stop on her way to work at Jake’s after leaving the office a little early.

  “Hey, Alice,” Tamara called out as she entered The Ellen’s lobby. “How’s Meg?”

  “She’s great. She and baby Isabelle are at home and doing well.” She moved to follow Tamara, who was heading toward the tiny office just off the lobby. “I actually came to see you about something else though….”

  Tamara stopped and turned, her brows raised in a questioning look. “What’s up?”

  Alice launched into her spiel, explaining about the fundraiser that was scheduled for three weeks’ time and her need for a new venue. One with character, one that was unique, one suited for a performance, of sorts….

  “Like The Ellen?” Tamara guessed with a teasing smile.

  “Exactly like The Ellen.” Alice rested her hip against the desk in the office and watched Tamara sink into the seat, which looked way too large for her tiny frame. She looked almost like a child with her big blue eyes and long fair hair. “What do you think? I haven’t met the new owner yet… Do you think he’d go for it?”

  To Alice’s surprise, Tamara turned a pretty shade of pink at the mention of the new owner. The deal had only been finalized the week before, and all Alice really knew about him was what they all knew from the papers—Gregory Blanchard was a legendary real estate mogul and heir to old money. He was also best friends with Ben, and Caitlyn swore he was a great guy, with only the best intentions for the old theater.

  Still, her friend’s reaction to his name was interesting. She was tempted to think her friend had a crush if she didn’t know Tamara so well. Tamara had a major aversion to dating and seemed completely immune to men in general. Though maybe not gorgeous billionaires who were consistently named bachelor of the year, it seemed….

  Tamara regained her composure quickly. “I think he’d go for it. He’s really into the idea of turning The Ellen into an event space to help offset the cost of running it as a solely classic film theater.”

  Alice beamed. “So you’ll talk to him?”

  Tamara only hesitated for a second, but Alice caught it. “Sure, I’ll talk to him about it.”

  Alice planted a kiss on her friend’s cheek. “You are the best, Tam. Thank you!”

  * * * *

  She saw Tamara again a few hours later, along with Marc and Caitlyn, who had all stopped by the bar to congratulate Jake once again and to see the latest pictures of Baby Isabelle. Caitlyn had seen the new mom and baby that morning, so she had the latest pictures for everyone to coo over.

  Between hanging out with her friends and helping to work the busy bar, Alice had thought that maybe she wouldn’t have time to be nervous about the date to come.

  She was wrong. All day she’d been battling with the butterflies in her stomach, but now, as the clock inched toward seven o’clock and she knew it was just a matter of time before he arrived—Alice was a ball of nerves.

  When he showed up, looking like he’d just stepped off a runway in his leather jacket and nicely fitted jeans, the nerves dissipated somewhat. It was his smile that did it—when had that smile become such a calming influence? When had he become such a steadying force that his mere presence made her anxiety decrease and her heart swell with something close to contentment?

  She raised a finger in the “one minute” gesture as she finished clearing off a dirty table. She watched from across the bar as he greeted her friends, who seemed to include him into their little group like he was a long-lost member of their tribe.

  She tried not to be jealous when Caitlyn said something that made him laugh, but it was impossible to stop the rush of possessiveness. But it wasn’t just jealousy, it was something worse. Seeing Caitlyn and him sitting together was a vivid reminder of just how ill-suited she was for him.

  She knew that—she’d always known that. It was what she’d been trying to tell him all along. But seeing it was a bitter reminder. He deserved someone just like Caitlyn. Not her, of course, since she was madly in love with her boyfriend. But someone like her—someone sweet and kind and uncomplicated. Someone who believed in true love and marriage and families.

  Not that Alice didn’t love the idea of marriage and kids—she fully supported the institution…for those who were suited to it. But it was not for people like her. There were some parts of her that were just too broken to fix.

  Nicholas glanced in her direction, and she saw his brow furrow with concern at whatever he saw in her expression, so she forced herself to let go of the dark thoughts and smile in his direction. He returned the smile, but she still saw concern in his eyes.

  When she was finally done, she stepped up to him, absurdly nervous. This was ridiculous. She was a grown woman, not a teenager. This was hardly her first date.

  Although, it kind of was.

  It was the first real date, at least. The first where she wasn’t 100 percent in control, and where the end objective wasn’t to end up in bed with her date. She looked up at the profile of his chiseled jaw as he led the way out of the bar and flashed back on the way he’d kissed every part of her body that night when they’d made love. Yeah, maybe that wouldn’t be the worst conclusion to this date.

  He glanced down at her, and one side of his lips curled up. “What’s so funny?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing.” It wasn’t until they were a block away that she thought to ask, “So, where are you taking me tonight?”

  He reached down and his hand clasped hers. The warmth of his hand around hers felt good…safe. But the gesture was oddly intimate and she resisted the urge to jerk her hand away. She shook her head at her own stupidity. If she was going to make it through this whole dating thing with her heart intact, she was going to have to man up. A simple hand hold was not going to kill her.

  But her mind was stuck on the realization that she was worried about her heart. Holy shit, when had her heart become at stake? At what point had she become so vulnerable to this man?

  From that very first night, she supposed. He’d cracked through her defenses on that first night and had only managed to wheedle himself in farther ever since. So yes, her heart was at risk here.

  Was that really so bad?

  Yes! Of course it was. She didn’t want to lose her heart—to anyone. Wasn’t that what she’d learned from her mother? Wasn’t that the promise she’d made to herself all those years ago?

  His voice called her back to the present as he laid out his plan for the evening, starting with drinks at a bar a few blocks away. “Then I was thinking we could go to my friend Claudia’s for dinner.”

  He looked down at her, and s
he nearly melted at the warm intimacy in his gaze. He was looking at her like she was his date, she realized. More than that—like she was his girlfriend, maybe. He was looking at her…like he cared.

  Her heart squeezed in her chest painfully. Dammit, she liked that look.

  “If that’s okay with you,” he added. “Claudia loves to throw dinner parties, and I know she really enjoyed talking with you at the gala and—”

  “That sounds great,” Alice interrupted. And it did. Dinner at Claudia’s meant other people would be around, and a crowd was exactly what she needed to keep some distance, get some perspective.

  She was rewarded with a smile and a hand squeeze before he tugged her toward a cozy pub that was down a long flight of stairs. The bar was warm, with candles dotting every surface and a warm buzz of conversation filling the air, along with soft jazz music.

  He led her toward a small table in the back that had been reserved for them. When they were seated across from one another, Alice nearly caved to the romantic atmosphere. He was gazing at her in the candlelight, and it was all so…intimate. The effect made her heart hurt as the same time as an age-old panic started to set in.

  It was the same flight or fight response that always seemed to happen when intimacy threatened—but especially with this man. It was like her body had known from the very beginning that this man was trouble. He was dangerous because he had the power to hurt her.

  Reaching across the table, he grasped her hand in his and stroked his thumb over the pulse at her wrist. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded, but her voice was tight. “What are you doing here with me, Nicholas?”

  His brows drew together, and his eyes filled with concern. “What do you mean? We’re on a date—”

  She shook her head. “I mean why do you want to be with me? I’ve done nothing but push you away.”

  He looked like he was going to answer, but she didn’t want to hear it. That wasn’t true, she did want to hear it. She wanted to be reassured. But that need was ridiculous, she was supposed to be keeping her distance, his reasons shouldn’t matter. So she found herself saying, “You should be here with someone like Caitlyn.”